Monday, October 21, 2013

yeah yeah yeah

in another life, I would be the girl who is covered in tattoos.
the one you, or at least I stare at, and wonder what they all mean

i would have purple hair. it goes best with my skin tone and looks killer with brown eyes
the light purple kind

i would have tons of money somehow while writing poetry and owning a coffee shop

i would drink coffee by the tons. good coffee with no cream. no sugar.
i would provide all the sweetness i would need in life

i would find a man who had good taste in music, hard to come by...

and i would live by the sea and go sailing on the weekends
without getting seasick
but the fish would never feel the pain of dying
i have heard they don't anyways.

i would love with all my heart every good person
and bad people would not exist.